
unusual facts about Autocesta Rijeka - Zagreb

Andrija Mohorovičić

From 1893, when he became a corresponding member of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, to 1917-18 he taught in the fields of geophysics and astronomy.

Branimir Štulić

In January 1967, Štulić moved to Zagreb where he attended high school and later, for two years, studied phonetics and history at the University of Zagreb's Faculty of Philosophy before dropping out.

European route E71

As of August 2011, Hrvatske autoceste and Autocesta Rijeka - Zagreb operators of the A1 motorway signposted the A1 south of Karlovac as the E71 all the way south to the Dugopolje interchange connecting to the Podi interchange of the D1, contrary to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) specification of the route.

General Post Office, Zagreb

The 2001 adaptation undid some of the interior changes made in 1958, when luxurious details, such as majolica-decorated arches, were covered and thus hidden from view.

Gornji Grad

Gornji Grad, a historic neighborhood in Zagreb, Croatia (also known as Gradec)

Hladno pivo

These songs were recorded at Denis (a.k.a. Denyken) in Sopot, Zagreb.

House of Keglević

Nera Keglević became a fictional character in the most famous cycle of 7 novels Grička vještica (The Witch of Grič) by Marija Jurić Zagorka.

Janko Kamauf

Janko Kamauf was the last city magistrate of Gradec and the first mayor of Zagreb, Croatia.

July victims

When it was announced that the Hungarian-allied candidate won, members of the People's Party took to St. Mark's Square to protest the result.

Kanal, Zagreb

Kanal is a neighborhood in the city district of Trnje in Zagreb, Croatia.

Krvavi Most

The bridge gained its scary name because of the constant conflicts happening on its wooden beams between the citizens of the two parts of Zagreb: Gradec and present day Kaptol.

Liberty Bridge

Liberty Bridge, Zagreb, the first divided highway bridge in Zagreb, Croatia

Modern Gallery, Zagreb

The Vranyczany Palace was designed by the Viennese architect Otto Hofer, and constructed in 1882 by Ferdo Kondrat for Baron Lujo Vranyczany.

Ribnjak, Zagreb

In 2008, the festival lasted two weeks and hosted many well-known Croatian bands such as The Beat Fleet and Psihomodo Pop.

Sergej Mašera

After that, by their names are called some of the street in Yugoslav cities (like Mašerin approach in the Sopot settlement in Novi Zagreb - until to the 1990s, - today is renamed)

St. Mark's Church, Zagreb

The Gothic composition of the portal consists of fifteen effigies placed in eleven shallow niches.

Tkalčićeva Street

In 1908, Viktor Kovačić also displayed some of his ideas about Ulica Potok in his studies of Gornji Grad, Kaptol and other city neighborhoods.

see also