
unusual facts about Automatic control

Direct-coupled amplifier

Direct-coupled amplifiers are used in TV receivers, computers, regulator circuits and other electronic instruments.

Synchronous condenser

A PLC based controller with PF controller and regulator will allow the system to be set to meet a given power factor or can be set to produce a specified amount of reactive power.


Therefore, the professional associations GfA (Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft), GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik), VDE-ITG (The Information Technology Society in VDE) and VDI/VDE GMA (The Society for Measurement and Automatic Control in the VDI/VDE) agreed in 1998 on defining Useware as a new term.

see also

Bohdan Kulakowski

He held several management positions in Polish research institutions, including head of the Process Control Division in the Computer Centre for Building Industry and of the Division of Automatic Control research group, Institute of Glass and Ceramics, both in Warsaw.

Conway Yard

The westbound hump yard was outfitted with an automatic control system called VELAC, which was designed and installed by the Union Switch and Signal Company.

Nicolas Minorsky

In her memorial paper to Nicolas Minorsky published in the IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control, author Irmgard Flügge-Lotz stated that Minorsky's greatest contribution to the development of nonlinear mechanics in the U.S. was Minorsky's early recognition that important papers in the field were being published in the Soviet Union in a language that few American researchers could read.


Control reconfiguration: changing the loop structure and controller parameters in an automatic control loop