
2 unusual facts about Baden Powell

Edward Higginson

This was a contribution to the debate of the time on cosmic pluralism, involving also David Brewster, Baden Powell, Thomas Collins Simon, and William Whewell.

Old Rajans Scouts Association

;Jamboree : Jamboree was a name given by Baden Powell to the first International gathering of Scouts at Olympia, London, in 1920.

Joseph Cardijn

He became a teacher in Wavre, and travelled abroad in the holidays, meeting people like Baden Powell and Ben Tillett.

Leila Pinheiro

Her self-titled debut album had the guest performances of Tom Jobim, João Donato, Ivan Lins, Francis Hime, and Toninho Horta, and she later went on to perform with great names such as Zimbo Trio, Pat Metheny, Baden Powell, Toquinho, and others.

Mário Negrão

In his career, Mario Negrão accompanied as instrumentalist Baden Powell, Carlos Lyra, Claudete Soares, Clara Nunes, Chico Buarque, Egberto Gismonti, Leila Pinheiro, MPB4, Paulinho Nogueira, Quarteto em Cy, Rosinha de Valença, Sergio Ricardo, Tom Jobim, Toquinho, Vinícius de Moraes, among others.

see also

12th World Scout Jamboree

Memorable features of the Jamboree included a reconstruction of Baden-Powell's Brownsea Island campsite, arena shows, Skill-o-Rama, adventure trail, the specially stocked fishing area and boating and other water activities on Lake Pend Oreille, in addition to a visit to a rodeo and a repeat of the Friendship Wide Game introduced at the 11th World Scout Jamboree in 1963.

1909 Crystal Palace Scout Rally

A contingent of girls from Pinkneys Green, Berkshire spoke to Baden-Powell at the Rally and asked him to let girls be Scouts.

Hubert S. Martin

He was one of Baden-Powell's instructors at the first Wood Badge course held at Gilwell Park, on 8 to 19 September 1919.

Hui Chiu-yin

There are several major events during his commissionership, namely 19th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference in 1998, The Scout Association of Hong Kong Millennium Jamboree from 1999 to 2000, 45th Baden-Powell World Fellowship Event in 2002 and The Scout Association of Hong Kong 90th Anniversary Jamboree in 2003.

John Skinner Wilson

J. S. Wilson (1888–1969), Colonel John Skinner "Belge" Wilson, Scottish Scouting luminary and friend of General Baden-Powell


J. S. Wilson (1888-1969), prominent figure in the Scout movement worldwide, and contemporary of Lord Baden-Powell

Lars Kolind

Kolind has received the highest international award of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, the Bronze Wolf Award and the Boy Scouts of America Silver World Award and Kolind is a member of the Baden-Powell World Fellowship.

Pax Hill

The following year, due to World War II, Pax Hill was occupied by Canadian military troops and by way of recompense, Olave Baden-Powell was awarded a 'grace and favour' apartment in Hampton Court Palace.

Percy Everett

Baden-Powell conferred the six-bead Wood Badge onto Everett, which he passed on in 1948 to Gilwell Park's Camp Chief John Thurman, to be worn as badge of office by the person responsible for leader training.

Post Historic Monsters

# "A Bachelor for Baden-Powell" - 3:55

Scout Association of Hong Kong

Enthusiasts and organisations, including Queen's College and St. Joseph's College established on 11 September 1913 the 1st Hong Kong Scout Troop of St. Joseph's College, for which Baden-Powell sent a letter of congratulation on 26 November 1913, which was published in the first issue of the Scout Gazette, the first Scout publication in Hong Kong.

Scout Association of Malta

Robert Baden-Powell's uncle, Henry Augustus Smyth, was governor-general of the island in 1890-1893.

Scout Law

According to the original U.S. handbook (Seton and Baden-Powell 1911, p. 31), which elaborated on the British version, the founders drew inspiration for the Scout Law from the Bushido code of the Japanese Samurai (Baden-Powell and Seton), laws of honor of the American Indians (Seton), the code of chivalry of European knights (Baden-Powell), and the Zulu fighters Baden-Powell had fought against (Baden-Powell).

Siege of Mafeking

Among the relief forces was one of Baden-Powell's brothers, Major Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell.

William de Bois Maclaren

On the recommendation of P.B. Nevill, acting on behalf of Baden-Powell, Maclaren purchased the 53 acre Gilwell Hall estate near Epping Forest near the town of Chingford for GBP 7,000, and presented it as Gilwell Park to the Scout Association in July 1919.