He starred as Barry Scheck in a 2000 CBS drama American Tragedy, played a paroled convict in a season three episode of Homicide: Life on the Street, and also directed an episode of Homicide: Life on the Street.
Barry Manilow | Barry Goldwater | Barry Bonds | Barry Gibb | Barry | Barry Levinson | Barry Humphries | Lynda Barry | Barry Lyndon | Barry McGee | Barry Greenstein | Barry County, Missouri | Dave Barry | Barry White | Barry Morse | Barry Mann | Barry Gifford | Barry County | Barry Commoner | Barry Sheene | Barry Lopez | Barry Diller | Barry Davies | Barry Bostwick | Barry Windsor-Smith | Barry Williams | Barry, Vale of Glamorgan | Barry Pepper | Barry Miles | Barry Hearn |
Rudolf is currently serving as local counsel in Durham, North Carolina for New York City lawyer Barry Scheck, who was hired by falsely accused Duke lacrosse player Reade Seligmann to represent him in a likely civil lawsuit to be filed against the city of Durham and its former district attorney, Mike Nifong.