
unusual facts about Baseball Prospectus


A careful computer analysis of Matsuzaka's pitches for the Boston Red Sox for the first half of the 2007 season by Dan Fox of Baseball Prospectus suggests that while Matsuzaka commands a dazzling array of pitches, the gyroball is more myth than reality.


The formula's name is derived from Baseball Prospectus' Clay Davenport's Pythagenport formula, which attempts to perform the same function.

Similarity score

Baseball Prospectus employs a projection system developed by Nate Silver known as PECOTA which applies nearest neighbor analysis to calculate similarities between players from different eras.

see also

Clay Davenport

DT's were first published by Davenport on the rec.sports.baseball Usenet site in 1995, before Baseball Prospectus was founded.

Keith Woolner

He also authored six chapters of Baseball Prospectus's book Baseball Between the Numbers, Jonah Keri, Ed.