
10 unusual facts about Beijing Normal University

Aisin Gioro Yuhuan

As his interest in traditional art grew, Aisin Gioro Yuhuan eventually applied and was accepted into the Arts Department of the Beijing Normal University.

Chen Yibing

He is a student at the Beijing Normal University, the present captain of the men's Chinese gymnastic team and currently has 8 world titles and 3 Olympics gold medals under his belt.

Galal Walker

Walker has been a professor at such Chinese universities as Beijing Normal University, Guizhou Normal University, and both Wuhan, and Sichuan Universities and was a member of both the Board of Visitors and the Defense Foreign Language Institute.

PearsonWidrig DanceTheater

In May 2011 they are teaching choreography in China at Beijing Normal University.

Sam Chaltain

Sam’s first teaching experience was in Beijing, China, where he joined the faculty of the Foreign Languages department at Beijing Normal University as a visiting lecturer.

Tang Xiyang

Tang Xiyang graduated from Beijing Normal University and then worked as a journalist for a Beijing newspaper from 1952 - 1957.

Xie Jun

Around the end of the 1990s, Xie was reading for a doctorate in psychology at Beijing Normal University.

Young China Scholars Poverty Research Network

All Network members meet annually providing young scholars the opportunity to present their research findings; the Network also organizes a series of seminars held at the Beijing Normal University.

The Network was launched in the summer of 2005 and is coordinated by Li Shi (Beijing Normal University, China) and John Whalley (University of Western Ontario and CIGI, Canada).

Zhu Hua

She has an MA in Applied Linguistics from Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学)and was the first doctoral student of the late Professor Qian Yuan (钱瑗), the daughter of the well known Chinese scholars and writers Qian Zhongshu (钱锺书)and Yang Jiang (杨绛).