
unusual facts about Ben Gurion Airport

Air Force Reserve Command

Air Force Reserve participation in Air Force exercises and deployments perfected its mobility capabilities as demonstrated throughout the seventies, most notably during the Israeli Airlift of 1973, some 630 crewmembers volunteered for Middle East missions to include flying into Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv while another 1,590 Reservists performed missions worldwide, freeing up more active crews for airlift.

Kiryat Haim Railway Station

Kiryat Haim Railway Station is a station on both the main North-South coastal line of Israel Railways (Nahariya – Haifa – Tel AvivBen Gurion AirportBe'er Sheva Inter-City Service) and the suburban line serving Haifa's northern suburbs – The Kerayot (Haifa - Kiryat Motzkin Suburban Service).

see also