
unusual facts about Ben Hall

Agnes Gavin

She and her husband were best known for making films about bushrangers such as Captain Thunderbolt, Captain Moonlite, Ben Hall and Frank Gardiner, and convict-era melodramas.

Ambrose Pratt

His novels frequently focussed on criminal outsiders such as 'The Push' (a Sydney larrikin element analogous to the 'bodgies' of the 1950s, 'rockers' of the 1960s and bikies of today), bushrangers such as Thunderbolt, Ben Hall.

Frank Clune

He was fascinated by the 'outsiders' of Australian history such as Captain Melville, Captain Starlight, Martin Cash, Edward Hargraves, Bully Hayes, Jørgen Jørgensen, Chinese Morrison, Ben Hall, Ned Kelly, Frederick Bailey Deeming and Louis de Rougemont

James Alpin McPherson

On 17 August 1864, McPherson was almost apprehended by Sir Frederick Pottinger, a New South Wales Police officer, who had earlier pursued Ben Hall and Frank Gardiner, with mixed success.

see also

2002 Tangerine Bowl

In the third quarter, Charlie Whitehurst threw a 10-yard touchdown pass to Ben Hall to make it 34–9.