
unusual facts about Benedict XVI

Antonio Maceo Airport

Likewise, Pope Benedict XVI, during the second papal visit to Cuba, flew here for Mass and other activities, from his visit to León and Guanajuato in Mexico, before moving on to Havana.

Ceremonial of John XXIII

The 1962 Missal published by Pope John XXIII was the last typical edition of the Tridentine rite, which has now come to be formally recognized by Pope Benedict XVI as an extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.

Christian Schaller

Already during his Diplomarbeit (Licence thesis), he dealt with one aspect of the theology of Joseph Ratzinger, soon to be Benedict XVI:The Eucharistic Ecclesiology in the context of the sacramentality of the Church was the title of the paper presented by Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

Colm O'Gorman

In 2006 O'Gorman filmed Sex Crimes and the Vatican for the BBC Panorama documentary series, which claimed that the Vatican has used Crimen sollicitationis secret document to silence allegations of sexual abuse by priests and also claimed Crimen sollicitationis was enforced for 20 years by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became pope Benedict XVI.

Corpus Coranicum

In 2007 journalist-publisher Frank Schirrmacher wrote an article for the Frankfurt Book Fair suggesting that the Academy's preparation of a historically critical Qur'an edition had been motivated by Pope Benedict XVI's ill-received Regensburg lecture of 2006 and predicting that the Corpus Coranicum would spark similar outrage among Muslims, comparing it to the punishment of Prometheus for bringing fire to mankind.

Hilario Davide, Jr.

In 2011 Davide was awarded one the highest honours of the Holy See - the Knight Grand Cross of the Pontifical Order of St. Sylvester by decree of Pope Benedict XVI.

James Skillen

In 2009, he signed a public statement encouraging all Christians to "read, wrestle with, and respond to Caritas in Veritate" the social encyclical by Pope Benedict XVI.

Józef Padewski

He was moved to Tittmoning, Bavaria, where the future Roman Catholic Pope Benedict XVI had lived ten years previously as a small child.

Mario Delpini

In 2006 archbishop Dionigi Tettamanzi named him in charge for one zone of the archdiocese and in 2012 the newly appointed archbishop Angelo Scola named him vicar general of the archdiocese.In 2007 pope Benedict XVI named him titular bishop of Stephaniacum.

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon

On January 29, 2013, bishop Alexander Sample was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be the new archbishop of Portland, to succeed John George Vlazny, whose resignation was accepted at the same time.

Ste McCabe

He was subsequently featured in Time Out, Gay Times and Artrocker magazine, which in September 2010 featured his open letter to The Pope protesting against Benedict XVI's visit to the UK.

see also

2009 Hermosillo daycare center fire

Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram to Archbishop of Hermosillo José Ulises Macías Salcedo.

Antonio María Rouco Varela

When Pope Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013, Cardinal Rouco Varela again was a cardinal elector and participated in the subsequent papal conclave that elected Pope Francis.

Assyrians in Iraq

The Pope Benedict XVI Islam controversy arose from a lecture delivered on 12 September 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI at the University of Regensburg in Germany.

Barry Christopher Knestout

He also oversaw a contest for architecture students from the Catholic University of America to design the altar and chair used by Benedict XVI at the Mass at the Washington Nationals baseball stadium.

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

On February 12 2009, the conference's leaders met with Pope Benedict XVI in order to re-assert the importance of Jewish–Catholic relations in the wake of the controversy over negationist comments made by Society of St. Pius X bishop Richard Williamson.

Foreign Office papal visit memo

The memo suggested that Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit, could launch a range of branded condoms, visit an abortion clinic, bless a gay marriage and apologize for the Spanish Armada.

Germany–Holy See relations

Recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in her nine page address at the Bavarian Catholic Academy's conference on "Political Action based on Christian Responsibility," noted that Benedict XVI's new encyclical Caritas in Veritate points to the way forward in the current economic crisis.

God is Love

Deus Caritas Est - Latin for "God is Love", Pope Benedict XVI's first Papal Encyclical

John I. Jenkins

Jenkins has led Notre Dame delegations during his presidency to the Vatican to meet with Church officials, including a brief visit with Pope Benedict XVI; to France to celebrate the beatification of Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the University’s founding religious community; and to Jerusalem to mark the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the University’s Ecumenical Institute.

Juan de Palafox y Mendoza

The rite of beatification was presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, by mandate of Pope Benedict XVI.

Karl Josef Becker

According to John L. Allen, Jr., Becker enjoyed the respect and trust of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the congregation (and future Pope Benedict XVI).


Leonella Sgorbati (1940–2006), an Italian Roman Catholic nun who was murdered in Somalia shortly after controversial comments by Pope Benedict XVI concerning Islam

Marco Augusto Dueñas

The sculpture, 4.5 meters high and made of white marble, is exposed on the exterior facade of St. Peter's Basilica and was blessed by the Pope on January 20, 2010.In 2010 Marco Augusto won another contest sponsored by Pope Benedict XVI to make a sculpture of Saint Maron, to be exhibited in the Vatican.

Medicinal Fried Chicken

These are references to allegations that Pope Benedict XVI ignored warnings and concealed evidence that Rev. Peter Hullermann engaged in several acts of child sexual abuse under the future Pope's watch as Archbishop of Munich and Freising in the 1980s.

Pope Benedict XVI and Islam

Pope Benedict XVI appealed on July 30, 2006 for an immediate cease-fire in the Middle East, hours after the deadliest attack in nearly three weeks of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.

Rainer Woelki

On 2 July 2011 Pope Benedict XVI ratified Woelki's election by the cathedral chapter of Berlin and appointed him Archbishop of Berlin.

Renato Corti

He was embrolied in scandal after Pope Benedict XVI on 7 July 2007 issued the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum liberalising the use of the Latin Mass.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Limburg

The bishop Franz Kamphaus stepped down after Pope Benedict XVI had accepted his retirement on 2 February 2007.


Caritas in Veritate (Latin: Charity in Truth) is the third encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI.