
unusual facts about Berengar II

Battle of Firenzuola

His own grandson and namesake, Berengar II, who would later be king of Italy as well, fought on the winning side against him.

Count of Canossa

The details of the relations between Sigifred's sons Sigifred II and Adalbert Atto are unknown and the latter appears in Canossa in time to give refuge to Queen Adelaide when she was fleeing Berengar II and Willa in 955.

Pietro IV Candiano

Pietro IV intervened to save his father's life and exiled him with a small group of followers to Ivrea, where the Margrave Guy took him to his father, the king of Italy, Berengar II.

see also

March of Friuli

The conflict was settled at the 952 diet of Augsburg, where Berengar II was allowed to retain the royal title as a German vassal, but had to cede Friuli as the March of Verona to Duke Henry I of Bavaria, brother of King Otto I. On February 2, 962 Otto was crowned Holy Roman Emperor at Rome, deposed King Berengar II and had him arrested and exiled one year later.


Willa of Tuscany (died 970), queen consort of Berengar II of Italy