Chayes played an important role in a number of major crises, including the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.
During his tenure the National Guard successfully mobilized more than 65,000 members during the Berlin Crisis of 1961.
Stahr served as Secretary of the Army in 1961 and 1962, during the Berlin crisis and the Central Intelligence Agency-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion, aimed at ousting Fidel Castro from power.
Threats by the Soviet Union to oust Western troops from West Berlin in 1961 prompted the Berlin Crisis and a call-up of selected National Guard forces throughout the nation.
While in the military, Gilmore was involved in four major wars or conflicts: The Berlin Crisis of 1961, Vietnam War 1963-1973, Panama Canal Zone Conflict, January 1964, and the Dominican Republic Conflict 1965.
During the Berlin Crisis of 1961, Boland was assigned to the 32nd Infantry Division and stationed at Fort Lewis.
Berlin | Berlin Wall | 1961 | West Berlin | Humboldt University of Berlin | Irving Berlin | East Berlin | Suez Crisis | Free University of Berlin | Berlin Philharmonic | Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin | 1961 in music | 1961 in baseball | Deutsche Oper Berlin | Cuban Missile Crisis | 1973 oil crisis | Berlin (band) | Cuban missile crisis | Berlin State Opera | Technical University of Berlin | Berlin University of the Arts | Isaiah Berlin | Iran hostage crisis | Final Crisis | Crisis on Infinite Earths | 1975 Australian constitutional crisis | King of Kings (1961 film) | American Academy in Berlin | Treaty of Berlin (1878) | International Crisis Group |