
5 unusual facts about Bill Congreve


Bill Congreve, Sean McMullen and Steve Paulsen's William Atheling Jr award-winning essay, "A History of Australian Horror", notes that "Issue 1 received some criticism for tending towards the splatter end of the genre... A Category One Restricted rating by the Attorney General's department saw it restricted to readers 18 years and older, and banned altogether in the state of Queensland." (Bonescribes: Year's Best Australian Horror 1995, p. 135)

Jason Fischer

His story "For Want of a Jesusman" was reprinted in the Year's Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy Vol 5, edited by Bill Congreve.

Steven Paulsen

"A History of Australian Horror (with Sean McMullen & Bill Congreve) " – Bonescribes: Year's Best Australian Horror: 1995 (1996) ed.

1995 William Atheling Jr. Award for "The Hunt for Australian Horror Fiction" with Bill Congreve, Sean McMullen, The Scream Factory No. 16.

Terror Australis: Best Australian Horror

(It is technically preceded by Bill Congreve's anthology Intimate Armageddons (MirrorDanse Books) (1992) - however, that book did not have mass market distribution).

see also