
unusual facts about Bill Drummond

Immanentize the eschaton

In 1987, "All You Need Is Love," a song by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, included Bill Drummond rappingĀ "With this killer virus who needs war? Immanentize the eschaton, I said shag shag shag some more!"

Alan Goodrick

He filmed (and owns the print of) the Watch the K Foundation Burn a Million Quid film, drove Bill Drummond and Mark Manning to the top of the world (as recounted in Bad Wisdom), and was the ski-masked person fumbling with lighter fluid and matches when Rachel Whiteread came to claim the K Foundation art award.

Black Star Liner

Their debut album, Yemen Cutta Connection was released in September 1996, with a press launch on Dartmoor involving Jimmy Cauty and Bill Drummond from The KLF.

Brutality, Religion and a Dance Beat

The band comprised future and past successful musician then Jayne Casey, guitarists Bill Drummond (later with The KLF), Ian Broudie (later of Care and The Lightning Seeds) and Clive Langer (of Deaf School), bassist Kev Ward and drummer Phil Allen.

see also