The third season of The Animation Show began its nationwide release in January 2007, featuring new work by animators Joanna Quinn and Bill Plympton, as well as Hertzfeldt's own Everything Will Be OK.
The IMDB entry for Valeria Vasilevski credits her as the voice of one of the Android Sisters in a 1985 animated film by Bill Plympton called Boomtown.
Twitch Film gave a positive review for Kick-Heart, stating that its artwork style more resembled the work of Bill Plympton rather than the traditional anime styles.
Mutant Aliens is a 2001 animated film by American filmmaker Bill Plympton.
Between hundreds of film festival appearances since then, Rejected also toured North American theaters in 2000, 2001, and 2002 with Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation; in 2001 and 2002 again with a retrospective touring program of Hertzfeldt's and animator Bill Plympton's films called "The Don and Bill Show"; and returned to theaters once again in 2003 and 2004 with Hertzfeldt's own the Animation Show tour.
Signe has initiated and curated a number of independent animation programs and along with Patrick Smith and Bill Plympton is the organizing core of Square Footage Films, a group of New York independent animators that self-publishes and distributes DVDs of their own work.
She relocated to New York City in September 1995, finding work with Bill Plympton as production manager, color stylist, and cel painter the following January.
The second Animation Show toured throughout 2005, featuring Bill Plympton's "Guard Dog", The National Film Board of Canada's classic "When the Day Breaks", Don Hertzfeldt's The Meaning of Life and new films by animators Peter Cornwell, Georges Schwizgebel and PES.
The third tour also showcased new work by animators Joanna Quinn, PES, Bill Plympton, and Don Hertzfeldt.
Bill Clinton | The Bill | Bill Gates | Bill Cosby | Buffalo Bill | Bill Laswell | Bill Bradley | Bill Evans | Bill Paxton | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | Bill Murray | Bill Monroe | Bill Frisell | Bill Engvall | G.I. Bill | Bill Frist | Bill | Bill Pullman | Bill Goldberg | Bill (proposed law) | Bill Moyers | Bill Davis | Bill Bailey | Bill Withers | Bill Viola | bill | Bill James | Bill Bryson | Kill Bill | Bill Parcells |