
unusual facts about Billy Davis, Jr.

Billy Davis

Billy Davis, Jr. (born 1938), American singer, member of the group The 5th Dimension

Billy Davis

Billy Davies (born 1964), Scottish football manager and former player

James Jamerson

He went on to perform on such 1970s hits as "Rock the Boat" (Hues Corporation), "Boogie Fever" (The Sylvers), and "You Don't Have To Be A Star (To Be In My Show)" (Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr.) and also played on Robert Palmer's 1975 solo album "Pressure Drop".


The song illustrates Noel Gallagher's habit of borrowing from the past: the chords are a simple twelve-bar blues progression (albeit with the V (F#) raised to a flat-VII (A)) and the melody for the verse was originally taken from "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)" (the song made famous from its use on Coca-Cola adverts in the 1970s) by Roger Cook, Roger Greenaway, Bill Backer and Billy Davis.

see also