
unusual facts about Bishop of Leicester

Dead Bishop

After a bit of discussion as to why dead bishops keep appearing on the landing, they call for the Church Police (led by Michael Palin), who arrive exactly two seconds later and beseech God to "tell us who croaked Leicester".

Beorhtwulf of Mercia

In 844 Ceolred, the bishop of Leicester, granted Beorhtwulf an estate at Pangbourne, in Berkshire, so the area was still in Mercian hands at that date.

Bishop of Lindsey

The diocese of Lindsey (Lindine) was established when the large Diocese of Mercia was divided in the late 7th century into the bishoprics of Lichfield and Leicester (for Mercia itself), Worcester (for the Hwicce), Hereford (for the Magonsæte), and Lindsey (for the Lindisfaras).

see also