
2 unusual facts about Black Boy

Uncle Tom's Children

The Harper Perennial edition of Wright's novel Black Boy, under the heading 'Books by Richard Wright', misprints "Uncle Tom's Children" as "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

Uncle Tom's Children is a collection of short stories by African American author Richard Wright, also the author of Black Boy, Native Son, and The Outsider.

see also

Epaminondas and His Auntie

The eponymous character is a young black boy, and the stories are based on a folk tales from the Southern states of the U.S. Like Helen Bannerman's The Story of Little Black Sambo, which was originally written about a boy from Southern India but was later illustrated in many printings with stereotypes of African-Americans, the Epaminondas books have been criticised as having racist overtones and stereotypes.

X. australis

Xanthorrhoea australis, the grass-tree or black boy, a plant species found in Australia