
unusual facts about Black power

Raffique Shah

In the midst of Black Power riots, the People's National Movement government led by Eric Williams proclaimed a State of Emergency April, 1970 and arrested several Black Power leaders and Trade Unionists.

Cleveland Sellers

Then Governor Robert Evander McNair blamed "outside Black Power agitators", but subsequent investigations showed this allegation was without basis.

James Hal Cone

Accordingly, his theology was heavily influenced by Malcolm X and the Black Power movement.

March Against Fear

According to civil rights historian David Garrow, an angry Carmichael took the speaker's platform and delivered his famous "Black Power" speech.

New Ways but Love Stays

The original design used a photograph which depicted the three Supremes in Afros and black turtlenecks, giving them a Black power look.

see also

Clotil Walcott

During the period 1969-1972, she became a member of NJAC - The National Joint Action Committee and participated in the Black Power and Black consciousness movement which swept the country.

Estadio Olímpico Universitario

This was the Olympics in which Tommie Smith and John Carlos protested against the treatment of black people in the USA by performing a black power salute during the medal ceremony for the 200m.

History of antisemitism in the United States

On April 14, 1970, the radical Black power leader Stokely Carmichael declared: “I have never admired a White man, but the greatest of them was Hitler.”

Sergio Oliva

Oliva co-starred with Mil Máscaras in a Mexican wrestling movie in 1975 called El Poder Negro (Black Power), in which he played a super-strong dockworker who runs afoul of the local crime syndicate and helps Mil Máscaras to bring them to justice.

United Black Association for Development

UBAD also found itself under fire from many of the established groups uncomfortable with its message of Black Power; the local unit of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) stopped renting them its Liberty Hall in August 1969 under pressure from the government.

William Greaves

Since then, Greaves has produced numerous works, including From These Roots, Nationtime: Gary, Where Dreams Come True, Booker T.Washington: Life and Legacy, Frederick Douglass: An American Life, Black Power in America: Myth or Reality?, The Deep North, and Ida B. Wells: An American Odyssey, which was narrated by Nobel Prize in Literature and Pulitzer Prize winning author Toni Morrison.

Zack Taylor

Zack was chosen as the Black Power Ranger, gaining the Mastodon Power Coin and the Mastodon Dinozord.