
2 unusual facts about Bob Catley

Magnum discography

This is the discography of the melodic/heavy rock band Magnum headed by vocalist Bob Catley and guitarist/songwriter Tony Clarkin.

Vinny Burns

Vinny Burns has also appeared in Gary Hughes' third solo album (Precious Ones), on the three Gary Hughes penned Bob Catley solo albums and on the first Hugo Valenti album that again was produced by Gary Hughes.

Gary Hughes

The albums were released six months apart from each other and featured the vocal talents of many well-known musicians like Bob Catley, Lana Lane, Doogie White, Danny Vaughn and Sean Harris, among many others.

He has also worked as a producer and songwriter for Bob Catley's first three solo albums, as well as Hugo's first album and has appeared on Vinny Burns' The Journey solo album and on the Ayreonauts Only album by the band Ayreon.

Paul Hodson

In 2003 he wrote (and played keyboards) for Bob Catley's solo album When Empires Burn.

see also