
4 unusual facts about Boolean operation

Boolean operations on polygons

Boolean operations on polygons are a set of Boolean operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR, ...) operating on one or more sets of polygons in computer graphics.


a rich type algebra, with recursive types and arbitrary boolean combinations (union, intersection, complement) allows precise definitions of data structures and XML types; general purpose types and types constructors are taken seriously (products, extensible records, arbitrary precision integers with interval constraints, Unicode characters);

Goodman–Nguyen–van Fraassen algebra

Let \hat{F} now be a set of subsets of \hat{\Omega}, which contains representations of all events in F and is otherwise just large enough to be closed under construction of conditional events and under the familiar Boolean operations.

Nef polygon

Nef polygons and Nef polyhedra are the sets of polygons (resp. polyhedra) which can be obtained from a finite set of halfplanes (halfspaces) by Boolean operations of set intersection and set complement.

see also