
unusual facts about Brancaccio

Carl Flesch

Flesch owned the Brancaccio Stradivarius, but had to sell it in 1928 after losing all his money on the New York Stock Exchange.

Francesco Maria Brancaccio

Brancaccio was born on 15 April 1592, the son of Baron Muzio II Brancaccio, viceroy of Puglia and Zenobia.

Giulio Cesare Brancaccio

Giulio Cesare Brancaccio (1515–1586) was a courtier, cavalier, actor, writer, and singer in a number of northern Italian courts throughout the sixteenth century, most notably the court at Ferrara.

The first record of Brancaccio being at the court of Alfonso d'Este II in Ferrara is in 1577, singing with the ladies of the first period of the Concerto delle donne, the amateurs Lucrezia Bendidio, Leonora Sanvitale, and Vittoria Bentivoglio.

Giuseppe Graviano

Benedetto Graviano had taken over the command in the Brancaccio area after the arrest of regent Giuseppe Guttadauro.

Louis, Marquis of Brancas and Prince of Nisaro

This principality had been created for Bufille Brancaccio, count of Agnano (Sicily), by Pope Boniface IX.

San Domenico Maggiore

Artistically, the most notable feature are the frescoes by Pietro Cavallini in the Brancaccio Chapel (1309), depicting Stories of St. John the Evangelist, Crucifixion, Stories of Magdalene and the Apostles Peter, Paul and Andrew.

see also