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Antoine de Sartine inherited a strong French Navy, resurrected by Choiseul after the disasters of the Seven Years' War (in which France had lost Canada, Louisiana, and India); a resurrected French Navy which would later defeat the British Navy in the War of American Independence.
According to family lore, Stokely was impressed into the British navy, but escaped and fought under American captain John Paul Jones.
It is named after Matthew Flinders (1774-1814) who wrote a paper on ships' magnetism for the British Navy.
Nine years after the end of hostilities with France, the British Army and British Navy had undergone a massive reduction in numbers.
The British Navy around occupied Boston was under the command of Vice-Admiral Samuel Graves.
The film follows British Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard (Keith Andes), who sets out to earn a reward by proving that privateer Henry Morgan (Torin Thatcher) also engages in piracy.
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, called for a general fast in England and proposed to send the British Navy if the massacre was not stopped while gathering funds for helping the Waldensians.
By 1880, William Thomson (lord Kelvin) tried to propose a gyrostat (tope) to the British Navy.
In the late 19th century, a floating British navy hydraulic dock was also planned at the central part of Msida close to where the Torpedo Depot used to stand.
He helped to set up the Belgrano Action Group after the sinking of the ARA General Belgrano by the British Navy during the Falklands War in 1982.
He left home as a teenager and eventually made his way to New Orleans where he signed on with the British Navy and sailed on a man-of-war as a "powder monkey" during the Opium Wars.
The player controls either the American or British Fleets over the course of ten scenarios, of which the last four can be played as a single campaign.
It is partially based on Smollett's experience as a naval-surgeon’s mate in the British Navy, especially during Battle of Cartagena de Indias in 1741.
He made a notorious speech predicting that Armageddon would be initiated in 1934 when the British navy collected the Jewish people to take them to a Palestine.
Zachary Mudge (1770–1852), also referred to as Zachariah, British navy officer, participated in the historic Vancouver Expedition