More recently, Guam's native bird and lizard species were decimated by the introduction of the Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) in the 1940s.
The Guam Rail came perilously close to extinction when Brown tree snakes were introduced to Guam, but some of the last remaining individuals were taken into captivity and are breeding well, though attempts to reintroduce it met with mixed results.
Brown University | James Brown | Gordon Brown | Chris Brown | One Tree Hill | One Tree Hill (TV series) | Brown | Brown v. Board of Education | Jerry Brown | snake | tree | Snake River | Mack Brown | Chris Brown (American entertainer) | Little, Brown and Company | Joe E. Brown | Chris Brown (American singer) | Charlie Brown | Snake | Joe E. Brown (comedian) | Ian Brown | Christmas tree | Scott Brown | Sawyer Brown | Ray Brown (musician) | Pete Brown | Dan Brown | Savoy Brown | John Y. Brown, Jr. | Herbert Beerbohm Tree |
The dominant predators on the island are reptiles; particularly pythons (brown and green), monitor lizards and the Major's skink.
It has also been introduced into Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, although the population on Guam has been severely reduced by introduced brown tree snakes.
It has become extirpated from Guam (to USA) by predation from the introduced brown tree snake Boiga irregularis.