
unusual facts about Bucze, Żary County

Bucze, Lesser Poland Voivodeship

The designer of this temple is the Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz (1883-1948), one of the greatest Polish architect of the first half of the twentieth century and the chief restorer of the Royal Castle on the Wawel

It was built in 1929 from the residents of Bucze, which provides financial support for John Albin Goetz (the owner of Brewery Okocimski, but also enlightened social worker).

Gmina Przewóz

Gmina Przewóz contains the villages and settlements of Bucze, Dąbrowa Łużycka, Dobrochów, Dobrzyń, Jamno, Lipna, Mała Lipna, Mielno, Piotrów, Potok, Przewóz, Sanice, Sobolice, Straszów and Włochów.

see also