
6 unusual facts about Bunker Hill

Bunker Hill, Illinois

By 9:00 am, ambulances from Alton, Carlinville, Litchfield, and Gillespie arrived to transport the injured to local hospitals.

Bunker Hill, West Virginia

Because of its central location between Martinsburg and Winchester, Virginia along Interstate 81 and U.S. Highway 11, Bunker Hill has experienced a period of residential growth beginning in the 1980s and continuing into the 21st century.

Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia

The first Episcopal Church in present-day West Virginia was established near Bunker Hill in 1740 by Colonel Morgan Morgan.

J. Johnston Pettigrew

He died three days later at Edgewood Manor plantation near Bunker Hill, West Virginia.

Second Battle of Winchester

Nevertheless, the Confederates were able to capture portions of the Federal supply train at nearby Bunker Hill, West Virginia, along with 75 prisoners.

William L. Goggin

Born near Bunker Hill, Virginia (now West Virginia), Goggin attended country schools and was eventually graduated from Winchester Law School.

Blackburn Cult

The religious group known as the Blackburn Cult, the Divine Order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven, or the Great Eleven Club, was started in 1922 on Bunker Hill in Downtown Los Angeles, California; and later formed a retreat in the Southern California Simi Valley.

John B. Bachelder

From his brief association with military topics, he retained a lifelong interest in them, and when the Civil War began in 1861, he was already collecting notes on Bunker Hill, planning to paint an accurate rendition of the battle.

Patrick Rea

Rea was the first assistant director on the movie Bunker Hill, directed by Kevin Willmott.

Seymour Burr

He fought at Bunker Hill and Fort Catskill, and suffered through the long winter at Valley Forge and his nickname was "Seacracker".

see also

Center Township, Russell County, Kansas

Interstate 70 and U.S. Route 40 run concurrently east-west through Center Township, interchanging with Bunker Hill-Luray Road, a paved north-south county road, less than a mile south of Bunker Hill.

James Daugherty

In September 2006, controversy erupted at Hamilton Avenue School, an elementary school in Greenwich, Connecticut, over Daugherty's depiction of Bunker Hill hero and Connecticut native Israel Putnam in a mural commissioned by Public Works of Art Project for the town hall, and installed in the school in 1935.

John Lowell Gardner II

Some of the ships included (ships are not linked): Arabia, Bunker Hill, California, Democrat, Duxbury, Eclipse, Gentleman, Grotius, Lenore, Lepanto, Lotos, Marquis de Somerulas, Mars, Monterey, Nabob, Napke, Naples, Pallas, Pioneer, Plant, Plato, Ruble, Sappho, Shawmut, St Paul, Sumatra, Thetis, Unicorn.

Operation Tan No. 2

She then took part in the Battle of Okinawa, where Admiral Mitscher shifted his flag to her after Kamikaze attacks successively knocked both USS Bunker Hill and USS Enterprise out of the battle.

Wally Bunker

So popular had Bunker become in his rookie season that Baltimore mayor Theodore McKeldin, prior to a June 17 game at Memorial Stadium, proclaimed the mound "Baltimore's Bunker Hill"—even christening it with a handful of earth from the actual Bunker Hill.