
3 unusual facts about Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

Au Pair in America

After the dissolution of USIA in 1999, regulation of the program transferred to the Department of State, Educational & Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Tira, Israel

Many High Schoolers from Tira have received Scholarships from Israeli Universities and participate in exchange programs such as Y.E.S (Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs), Seeds of Peace and CISV.

World Affairs Council of Seattle

Participants are nominated by their U.S. Embassies and selected by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and spend 3–5 weeks in the United States meeting with their peers, engaging informally with American families, and experiencing American culture.

see also

Armenia School Connectivity Program

It is implemented by Project Harmony and funded by the US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs through the 1992 Freedom Support Act.