In By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mrs Boast shows the Ingalls family how to make a "whatnot".
Salt Lake City | Swan Lake | Lake Superior | Lake Erie | Lake Michigan | Lake Placid, New York | silver | Lake District | Silver Star | Lake Ontario | Lake Como | Emerson, Lake & Palmer | Lake Geneva | lake | Lake Tahoe | Lake Huron | Lake Constance | Horace Silver | Silver Spring, Maryland | Lake Ladoga | Lake Victoria | Lake Placid | Lake Garda | Lake Onega | Lake | Silver Lake | Lake County | Silver | Lake County, Florida | Lake Biwa |
They met for a short while also in By the Shores of Silver Lake, when Mr. Edwards helps Pa file his claim during a sudden settlement rush, and in The Long Winter, when he generously gives the now-blind Mary a $20 bill.