
unusual facts about California Governor

Ceratitis capitata

In 1981, California Governor Jerry Brown, who had established a reputation as a strong environmentalist, was confronted with a serious medfly infestation in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Donn Moomaw

During this time, he became friends with California Governor Ronald Reagan and wife Nancy; Moomaw later gave the invocation and benediction at Reagan's 1981 presidential inauguration.

Fremont Older

Older died a few years before Mooney was pardoned by California Governor Culbert Olson in 1939.

Otis D. Wright II

On October 28, 2005, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he would be appointing Wright to serve as a judge on the Los Angeles County Superior Court.


In 1994, William Safire described its usage by California governor Pete Wilson's immigration strategy, exemplified by Proposition 187, which prevented illegal aliens from using a variety of state social services.

see also

Albert C. Martin, Sr.

It is also the home parish of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Briggs Initiative

Openly gay San Francisco politician Harvey Milk was instrumental in fighting the measure, and opposition from a variety of public figures from California Governor Ronald Reagan to President Jimmy Carter helped to defeat it.

Cache Creek Casino Resort

After California Governor Gray Davis signed the State Gaming Compact in 1999, the casino added slot machines and more table games.

California Cycleway

The inventor and promotor of the cycleway was Pasadena resident Horace Dobbins, who attracted ex-California governor Henry Harrison Markham to join him in the venture.

California State Route 13

The route currently begins at Interstate 580 near Mills College in East Oakland and continues north as the Warren Freeway, named after former Alameda County District Attorney, California Governor and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren.

Christopher Cabaldon

He also represents the State of California on the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education as an appointee of California Governor Jerry Brown.

Daily Nexus

In 1995, the Daily Nexus filed suit against California Governor Pete Wilson and the UC Regents, alleging that the regents had illegally conspired during phone conferences to line up support for the cancellation of Affirmative Action.

Dan Stoenescu

Among many honors and distinctions he was awarded the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, Ford Foundation scholarship, First Phi Theta Kappa All-California Academic Team, Presbyterian Church USA Samuel Roberson award, and distinctions from California governor Gray Davis, assembly member Wilma Chan, and senator Don Perata.

Daryl Urig

On March 7, 2010, he won the Arnold Choice Award from Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Arnold Sports Event for his painting of the California Governor.

Urig has won multiple awards for his paintings, most recently being awarded the Arnold Choice Award from Arnold Schwarzenegger in March 2010 for his painting of the California Governor.

Gloria Saatjian

Gloria May Deukmejian (née Saatjian; November 1, 1932) is a former first lady of California (1983–1991) and the wife of former California governor George Deukmejian.

History of Stanford Medicine

California Governor Henry Gage issued a proclamation denying that bubonic plague exists in San Francisco, which was signed by Lane.


The Warhorses deployed three aircraft and 40 Marines to Naval Air Station Lemoore on July 2, 2008after California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger requested military assistance to fight raging wildfires.

Jackson Barnett

Anna was finally evicted from the Wilshire Boulevard residence after four years, even though she had gained significant support from Los Angeles society, including Los Angeles District Attorney Burton Fitts and California Governor Frank Merriam.

Jimmy Hope

A local court ruled against the extradition order signed by then California Governor George Stoneman, however, and a court battle postponed Hope's return to New York until May 1887.


California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke on the popular John and Ken radio talk show requesting that the Libermans remove the signs.


New Century Leadership Council (NCLC), as it was called at the time, launched the new organization at the home of Silicon Valley veteran Ellen Hancock, with former California Governor Pete Wilson as guest-of-honor.

Marijuana Policy Project

In July 2006, MPP launched a radio advertising campaign that called out prominent public officials, including former President George W. Bush, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Vice President Al Gore, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for using marijuana.

Marsy's Law

Nicholas was the main organizer and sponsor of the campaign to pass Marsy's Law, whom former California Governor Pete Wilson called the "driving force" behind the constitutional amendment.

Mercury Insurance Group

Representatives of Mercury Insurance were quick to argue that the leak of the conduct exam was a politically motivated move meant to benefit California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, a Republican candidate for California governor in the 2010 gubernatorial election.

Michael Fullan

In March 2013, Fullan met with California governor Jerry Brown to discuss the possibility of pursuing educational reforms in California similar to those in Ontario.

Michael S. Bernick

Following the recall of California Governor Gray Davis, Bernick returned to law at the Sedgwick firm in San Francisco, and joined the Milken Institute as a fellow in employment policy.

Mission Dolores mural

The Office of Historic Preservation of the California Department of Parks and Recreation awarded Blind and Wood the California Governor's Historic Preservation Award for their work preserving the mural.

National Ignition Facility

On 29 May 2009 the NIF was dedicated in a ceremony attended by thousands, including California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Nikki Sinclaire

She has also campaigned abroad, most notably in the United States, assisting on campaigns for US Representative Susan Davis and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Otto Funk

He reached San Francisco on July 25, 1929, where he was received by Mayor (and future California governor) James Rolph, together with the cameras of Fox Movietone News.

Portola Road Race

Newly seated California Governor Hiram Johnson refused to call up the National Guard for the race; undeterred, some Guardsmen attempted to provide crowd control in civilian clothing but were not successful.

Richard Wirthlin

In 1980, when California governor Ronald Reagan decided to run for president, he turned to Wirthlin for political advice.

Robin Umberg

On May 20, 2011 California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Brigadier General Robin Umberg to oversee the Veterans Homes Division in the California Department of Veterans Affairs.

Russ DeLeon

He then worked on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. for his local congressman the late Robert Matsui, and then for California Governor George Deukmejian as an Executive Fellow.

Russell Gould

He was a member of California Governor Pete Wilson's administration, as Secretary of Health and Human Services (1991 - 1993) and as the Director of Finance (1993 to 1996).

Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta

Senator Dianne Feinstein, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and present Governor Jerry Brown have all declared their support for the Peripheral Canal.

Sieg Howdy!

Also featured on the album is an updated version of "California Über Alles" with new lyrics by Biafra about the recall campaign that placed Arnold Schwarzenegger in the California governor's office, as well as "Those Dumb Punk Kids (Will Buy Anything)", a song where Biafra openly criticizes his former Dead Kennedys bandmates.

United States Senate election in California, 1982

A major contributing factor may also have been a late influx of the Armenian vote in the California Governor's race between George Deukmejian and Tom Bradley.

Water Resources Collections and Archives

Digitization of the California Water Atlas: In 2009, WRCA coordinated with David Rumsey and the State of California Governor's Office to digitize and make publicly available this influential 1979 publication.