The Light and Darkness War is a six-issue comic book limited series written by Tom Veitch and drawn by Cam Kennedy published by Epic Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics.
"The VCs" (with Gerry Finley-Day and Steve MacManus as Ian Rogan (6); Art: Mike McMahon (1), Garry Leach (2, 5, 8–9, 14–15, 21–22 and 25–26), Cam Kennedy (3–4, 6,-7, 10–13, 16–20, 23–24 and 27) and John Richardson (28–32), in 2000 AD #140–175, 1979–1980, collected in You're Hit, You're Dead!, 144 pages, December 2008, ISBN 1-905437-83-8)
John F. Kennedy | Ted Kennedy | Kennedy Space Center | John F. Kennedy International Airport | Kennedy | Robert F. Kennedy | Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis | Nigel Kennedy | Anthony Kennedy | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | John F. Kennedy School of Government | Assassination of John F. Kennedy | George Kennedy | Cam Clarke | John Kennedy Toole | Charles Kennedy | Cam Gordon | Graham Kennedy | Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. | John Kennedy | Jamie Kennedy | Cam'ron | assassination of John F. Kennedy | X. J. Kennedy | Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium | Kennedy Road | Fiona Kennedy | Donald Kennedy | Thomas Laird Kennedy | Scott Cam |
Return of the Assassin - John Wagner, Artist: Cam Kennedy - 2000AD #1141 to 1147