
unusual facts about Cameron Neylon

Academic Spring

Referring to work by the biophysicist Cameron Neylon, he says that, because modern science is now more dependent on well-functioning networks than individuals, making information freely available may help computer-based analyses to provide opportunities for major scientific breakthroughs.

Blue Obelisk

Among those who received a Blue Obelisk Award are Christoph Steinbeck (2006), Geoff Hutchinson (2006), Bob Hanson (2006), Egon Willighagen (2007), Jean-Claude Bradley (2007), Ola Spjuth (2007), Noel O'Boyle (2010), Rajarshi Guha (2010), Cameron Neylon (2010), Alex Wade (2010), Nina Jeliazkova (2010), Henry Rzepa (2011), Dan Zaharevitz (2011), and Marcus Hanwell (2011).

see also