In 2011 the BBC aired a short film "Boys' Village" starring students of Stagecoach Theatre Arts and Cardiff High School on BBC2 (Wales).
She attended Cardiff High School for Girls, and graduated from the University of Cambridge with a first-class honours degree in French, Italian, and Latin.
Owen was born on 30 December 1926 in Cardiff and was educated at Cardiff High School and Jesus College, Oxford, where he studied Literae Humaniores and Theology.
and educated at Cardiff High School, and during the First World War he served from 1914 to 1918 with the Cameron Highlanders.
high school | Cardiff | Harvard Business School | London School of Economics | Harvard Medical School | High Court | secondary school | Harvard Law School | Eastman School of Music | High Court of Justice | Juilliard School | Public school (government funded) | High School Musical | Gymnasium (school) | Yale Law School | Ultra high frequency | Rugby School | Cardiff University | school district | high school football | High Court of Australia | public school | school | Cardiff RFC | New York University School of Law | High-definition television | Westminster School | Tisch School of the Arts | Charterhouse School | Harrow School |
He was educated at Cardiff High School and Trinity College, Cambridge and joined the plywood industry in 1931 as a company director.