Cassia fistula | Via Cassia | Cinnamomum cassia | Cássia Eller |
In the Idaho House of Representatives, both are residents of Cassia County: in Seat A Representative Scott Bedke of Oakley and in Seat B Representative Fred Wood of Burley.
Cassia County is one of the most consistently Republican counties in the states and in the gubernatorial election of 2010 Republican Butch Otter carried Cassia County with 76.54% to Democrat Kieth Allred's 16.73%.
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Hedera helix, Pelargonium zonale, Juglans regia, Salvia officinalis, Pinus radiata, Rosa odorata, Gardenia jasminoides, Citrus limon, Hardenbergia violacea and Cassia, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Bursaria and Hakea species.
The larvae have been recorded feeding on the young foliage and flowers of Mangifera, Tabernaemontana, Hodgsonia, Cinnamomum, Cassia, Fagraea, Memecylon, Pittosporaceae tristrigosa, Citrus and Nephelium species.
Mia Presley - Cassia: The sous chef at Les Delices Restaurant, and Bella's best friend.
The Greeks used kásia (cassia) or malabathron to flavour wine, together with absinth wormwood (Artemisia absinthium).
The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Rosa odorata, Camellia japonica, Persea americana, Citrus unshiu, Cassia species, Ricinus communis, Acacia species and Acmena smithii.
Historians and anthropologists such as John S. Koliopoulos and Paul Sant Cassia have criticised the social bandit theory, emphasising the frequent use of bandits as armatoloi by Ottoman authorities in suppressing the peasantry in defence of the central state.
Some herbaceous and shrubby weeds which are now naturalized in the area include Tridax procumbens, Lagascea moollis, Cassia uniflora, Lantana camara.
The Via Amerina was a road that broke off from the Via Cassia near Baccanae, and held north through Falerii, Tuder, and Perusia, rejoining the Via Cassia at Clusium.
At Forum Cassii it may have rejoined the Via Cassia, and it seems to have taken the same line as the latter as far as Florentia (Florence).