
unusual facts about Catholic priests

Macelj massacre

Among those executed in Macelj were 25 Catholic priests from the Franciscan monastery of Široki Brijeg which were temporarily hidden in nearby Krapina.

William FitzWilliam, 3rd Viscount FitzWilliam

On his deathbed he was attended by several Catholic priests, and though like his brother Oliver he was buried in Donnybrook Church the burial service was conducted according to the Catholic rite.

see also

Alois Grimm

Benedicta Kempner, the wife of US attorney Robert Kempner, war crime tribunals in Nuremberg set Alois Grimm a memorial in her book on the persecution of Catholic priests during the Nazi era.

Anatole Vakhnianyn

He came from a clerical family; his father, Klym Vakhnianyn, and grandfather, Iakiv Vakhnyanin, were Greek-Catholic priests.

Benyamin Yosef Bria

According to an Antara News report, Bria's nieces, Elis, Ela and Gin, all from Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara, and two Roman Catholic priests from the Diocese of Denpasar, Fathers Matheus and Hadi, were at his bedside when he died.

Josef Fessler

The Prussian Government promptly appointed Dr. Schute to a professorship at Bonn, while it imprisoned Catholic priests and bishops.

Kiautschou Bay concession

On 1 November 1897, the Big Sword Society brutally murdered two German Roman Catholic priests of the Steyler Mission in Juye County in southern Shandong.

Mikhail Muravyov-Vilensky

As a consequence, he made it his priority to close the Vilnius University and to expel Catholic priests from other educational facilities.

Religion in Austria

The organization Call to Disobedience (Aufruf zum Ungehorsam in German) is an Austrian movement mainly composed of dissident Catholic priests which started in 2006.

Religion in Portugal

Congregations were created from Roman Catholic priests and laypeople who refused to accept the dogmas of the infallibility and universal ordinary jurisdiction of the Pope, as defined by the First Vatican Council in 1870.

Robert Drinan

He was the first of two Roman Catholic priests (the other being Robert John Cornell of Wisconsin) to serve as a voting member of Congress.

Rockridge, Oakland, California

Professional education for Roman Catholic priests and friars is offered at St. Albert’s College, a Dominican institution located on Birch Court near Claremont Middle School.

St. Benet Biscop Catholic High School

Regular school trips include these two destinations, along with New York, Paris, Rome, the Alps, the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Youth Ministry Team Youth Village, Ushaw College (a seminary for the formation of Catholic priests, deacons, religious and lay ministers) and Minsteracres Catholic Retreat Centre.

Theresa Carpinelli

In early 2005, Carpinelli conducted an online investigation into the source of allegations that in the aftermath of an earthquake in Lisbon, Portugal Catholic priests roamed city streets, hanging those they thought responsible for the quake.

They Were Defeated

When the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Dr John Cosin, is threatened with the loss of his position because of his supposed Catholic leanings (early 1641), the authorities begin to crack down on recusants, and three Catholic priests are arrested while giving mass.

William II de La Marck

Lumey has been accused of more than one atrocity—on 9 July 1572 he summarily executed the Martyrs of Gorkum, 19 Dutch Roman Catholic priests and religious who were ultimately canonized in 1865.