
unusual facts about Cenél nGabráin


Cenél Conaill |


In Great Britain, the House of Neville claim kinship with the House of Dunkeld, and thus descent from the Cenél nGabráin of Dál Riata.

Domangart Réti

Alternatively, rather that representing an alternative name for all of Dál Riata, it has been suggested Corcu Réti was the name given to the kin group which later divided to form the Cenél nGabráin of Kintyre and the Cenél Comgaill of Cowal, thus excluding the Cenél nÓengusa of Islay and the Cenél Loairn of middle and northern Argyll.

see also

Gabrán mac Domangairt

The domain of the Cenél nGabraín appears to have been centred in Kintyre and Knapdale and may have included Arran, Jura and Gigha.

Máel Dúin mac Conaill

The general confusion of the sources makes any conclusion difficult, but while it is likely that Máel Dúin was co-ruler, with his brother Domnall Donn, of the Cenél nGabráin lands in Kintyre, it is not likely that Máel Dúin and Domnall were high kings of Dál Riata.

Selbach mac Ferchair

In 712 Selbach besieged Aberte (Dunaverty, near Southend, Kintyre, in the lands of the Cenél nGabráin) and rebuilt Dún Olaigh in 714.

A month later he faced the Cenél nGabráin, led by their king Dúnchad Bec, also called king of Cenn Tíre (Kintyre), in a sea battle off Ard Nesbi.