
unusual facts about Census Bureau

Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act

CIPSEA establishes uniform confidentiality protections for information collected for statistical purposes by U.S. statistical agencies, and it allows some data sharing between the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Census Bureau.

Melba Roy Mouton

She started working for NASA In 1959, after working for the Army Map Service and the Census Bureau.

see also


A. Ross Eckler (1901–1991), deputy director of the U.S. Census Bureau from 1949 to 1965, and director from 1965 to 1969

Northern State

Northern United States, states typically as specified by the United States Census Bureau

Pine Ridge, Nebraska

Whiteclay, Nebraska, known to the U.S. Census Bureau as "Pine Ridge, Nebraska"

Tijuana metropolitan area

The census bureau defined metropolitan area comprises two municipalities: Tijuana and Rosarito Beach.