
unusual facts about Center for Security Policy

Matthias Küntzel

He was a panelist at the 2006 Paris conference "Les démocraties face au défi islamiste" (The democracies in the face of the Islamist challenge) organised by the Center for Security Policy and L’institut pour la Défense de la Démocratie.

see also

Francis Gaffney

Frank Gaffney (born 1953), is the founder and president of the think tank Center for Security Policy and columnist

Nina Rosenwald

Since 2000 Rosenwald and her sister, Elizabeth R. Varet, have donated over $2.8 million to the following organizations: the Gatestone Institute, the Center for Security Policy, Project Ijtihad, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, the Middle East Forum, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), the Clarion Fund, Commentary magazine and the Hudson Institute.

Terror-free investing

"Terror-free investment is a train that we believe is picking up steam," according to Frank Gaffney, Jr., a Reagan-era Defense Department official, and president of the Center for Security Policy.