
unusual facts about Characterization


Alan Boss

Boss was selected to join the NASA Science Working Group for the Kepler Mission and the NASA External Independent Readiness Board for the Exoplanet Exploration Program, both charged with the detection and characterization of nearby habitable Earth-like planets.

Alessandro Vespignani

Vespignani has worked in a number of areas of physics, including characterization of non-equilibrium phenomena and phase transitions, and collaborated with, among others, Luciano Pietronero and Benoit Mandelbrot.

Bone Disease Program of Texas

7. Characterization of the role of CRTAP, a gene responsible for bone collagen modification, and definition of its role in the osteogenesis imperfecta (Roy Morello and Brendan Lee)

Brett Abrahams

Brett Abrahams, PhD (born March 3, 1973) is a geneticist and neuroscientist involved in the identification and subsequent functional characterization of the autism-related gene CNTNAP2 with Dan Geschwind at UCLA.

Character creation

The term character development is, in some contexts, used interchangeably with character advancement (in a sense similar to professional development or Human Development), whereas elsewhere character development refers instead to the player’s indirect characterization of the character through role-playing (in a sense similar to film developing).


In a review of Chernevog in the Chicago Sun-Times, science fiction and fantasy writer Roland J. Green complemented Cherryh on her "deep historical scholarship, splendid folkloric skill, superb characterization, and ... mastery of mood-setting".

Cláudio Costa Neto

He got his BSc degree in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Brazil (currently Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) in 1954, Costa Neto worked under supervision of Fritz Feigl, responsible for the development of spot tests for identification and characterization of substances.


A major user of the technology is expected to be DNA testing laboratories, which hope to translate patient-specific genetic characterization to patient-specific clinical treatment advice for molecular diseases.

Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility

It also contains characterization equipment including scanning electron microscopes, ellipsometers and probe stations for electrical measurement.

Cycle space

An important application of the cycle space are Whitney's planarity criterion and Mac Lane's planarity criterion, which give an algebraic characterization of the planar graphs.

Daniel Lidar

in 1993, and obtained his PhD under Robert Benny Gerber and Ofer Biham, 1997, with a thesis entitled Structural Characterization of Disordered Systems also from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

David Charbonneau

His research focuses on the development of novel techniques for the detection and characterization of planets orbiting nearby, Sun-like stars.

Dick Beals

Perhaps his most recognizable characterization was the voice of the stop-motion animation figure called "Speedy Alka-Seltzer", featured in television commercials for more than 50 years.

Ernst G. Bauer

Medard W. Welch Award of the American Vacuum Society (1992) - "for his contributions to the fundamental understanding of thin film nucleation and growth and for his invention, development and use of multiple surface characterization techniques to study those thin films."


Gauche effect, in stereochemistry, a characterization in which the gauche rotamer which is more stable than the anti rotamer

Hennessy Youngman

This sort of 'underdog in the art world' characterization can be seen in the work of video artist of Alex Bag or motion pictures such as the biopic Basquiat or the art world satire (Untitled).

Hypersonic Flight Experiment

Aerodynamic characterization of technology demonstration vehicle was completed at NAL, VSSC and IIST.

Italian traditional maize varieties

The agronomic, morphological and cytological characterization, and multi-variate analysis, of such and other accessions stored at the germplasm bank of the "Maize experimental station" in Bergamo, allowed the systematic classification of Italian traditional varieties.

Jane Flanders

Joyce Carol Oates said of her first published volume that, "Many of her poems have the bite and sting of Ann Sexton's poetry, but they are admirably restrained as well, tracing the necessary journey one makes in "coming back" to one's deepest self after a busy, extroverted life." Publishers Weekly described her as "a radiant poet," a characterization Karl Kirchwey adopted as the title of an appreciation in which he compares her to Elizabeth Bishop.

Jim Stasheff

Stasheff's research contributions include the study of associativity in loop spaces and the construction of the associahedron (also called the Stasheff polytope), ideas leading to the theory of operads; homotopy theoretic approaches to Hilbert's fifth problem on the characterization of Lie groups; and the study of Poisson algebras in mathematical physics.

John Carbon

His research contributions include elucidation of the mechanism of genetic missense suppression in bacteria, the development of techniques to make genomic libraries using recombinant DNA, techniques for using yeast for DNA cloning, characterization of centromere DNA, and construction of the first artificial chromosomes.

Joseph Hone

Whilst some spy novels, such as those of le Carré are often set mainly inside the offices of the spy department, and attract praise for the depth of their characterization and plotting, others (such as the James Bond series) are set in the field, and provide explosive action.

Kaiparowits Plateau

As recently as 2007, the characterization of an unusual species of Gryposaurus, a duck-billed dinosaur, was announced.

Kyle Downes

Kyle Downes (born March 18, 1983 in Summertown, Tennessee) is a Canadian-American actor, best known for his recurring role as Larry Tudgeman in the Disney Channel Original Series Lizzie McGuire and his characterization of Ezra Friedken in Higher Ground.

Lars Svenonius

The other two papers include a characterization of theories having only one countable model, obtained also by the Polish logican Czesław Ryll-Nardzewski, and results on prime models, obtained also by Robert Vaught at Berkeley.

Linda Abriola

She is particularly known for the research she has done on the characterization and remediation of chlorinated solvent-contaminated aquifers.

Lipid bilayer characterization

In addition to simple DC current measurements it is also possible to perform AC electrical characterization to extract information about the capacitance and complex impedance of a bilayer.


Although written in a different language, its style, characterization and setting mirror those of Rizal's two previous works, Noli me tangere and El filibusterismo which he wrote in Spanish.

Micah Clarke

But Conan Doyle pointed out in his autobiography that what Wilde liked was the characterization of Judge George Jeffreys in the novel.

Mister Miracle

The visual came about shortly after songstress Lainie Kazan posed for Playboy...and the characterization between Scott 'Mr. Miracle' Free and Barda was based largely—though with tongue-in-cheek—on the interplay between Jack and his wife Roz.

Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam

Elst claims that historians of the Aligarh school (e.g. Irfan Habib) or Indian Marxists (e.g. Romila Thapar) have resorted to history-rewriting: "Therefore, in 1982 the National Council of Educational Research and Training issued a directive for the rewriting of schoolbooks. Among other things, it stipulated that: "Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Muslims is forbidden.

Palo y hueso

The reviewer went on to detect the influence of filmmakers such as Alain Robbe-Grillet or Marguerite Duras, but felt that the tight psychological characterization, disciplined acting and stark sets were more reminiscent of Kenji Mizoguchi or Satyajit Ray.


The theory of polycentrism was coined by Palmiro Togliatti and was understood as characterization of working conditions of communist parties in comparison between different countries after the de-stalinization in the former Soviet Union 1956.

Polymer Char

TREF: performs the TREF technique (Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation) for the characterization of CCD in Polyolefins.

Ranjit Singh Gujjar

A research paper which he co-wrote, titled "A Rapid Method for Estimation of Abscisic Acid and Characterization of ABA Regulated Gene in Response to Water Deficit Stress from Rice", was published in volume 6, issue 3 of the American Journal of Plant Physiology.

Reading Like a Writer

Using examples from the works of Heinrich von Kleist and Jane Austen, Prose discusses how writers can develop characterization.

Robert Edge Pine

The portrait of Washington was engraved for Irving's Life of Washington, but it is weak in characterization.

Roderick Bronson

He has a long-running collaboration with Tyler Jacks and Robert Weinberg, starting with the characterization of tumors in p53 knockout mice.

Rodney H. Banks

In 1980, he received his Ph.D. in inorganic/physical chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, where he worked for Nobel laureate and fellow Perkin medal winner Glenn Seaborg on the synthesis and characterization of volatile actinide compounds.

Ron Appel

The group developed proteomics software and databases, in particular the Melanie 2-D gel electrophoresis analysis software and the SWISS-2DPAGE database, as well as tools for the identification and characterization of proteins using mass spectrometry.

Straight photography

Paul Strand's 1917 characterization of his work as "absolute unqualified objectivity" described a change in the meaning of the term.

The Chinese Novel at the Turn of the Century

Michael Egan wrote "Characterization in Sea of Woe" about Henhai (C: 恨海, P: hènhǎi, W: Hen-hai, "Sea of Woe"), also by Wu Jianren.

Thomas Heywood

Johann Ludwig Tieck called him the "model of a light and rare talent", and Charles Lamb wrote that he was a "prose Shakespeare"; Professor Ward, one of Heywood's most sympathetic editors, pointed out that Heywood had a keen eye for dramatic situations and great constructive skill, but his powers of characterization were not on a par with his stagecraft.

Track transition curve

Several late-19th century civil engineers seem to have derived the equation for this curve independently (all unaware of the original characterization of this curve by Leonhard Euler in 1744).

TV Face

The script went through intense dramaturgy to embrace elements of Shakespearean and classical technique, the Suzuki Method style of abstract characterization (developed by Tadashi Suzuki); all while combining classical western play structure with eastern media sensibilities.

Ved Parkash Sharma

He earned his doctorate with a thesis on Techniques of Characterization in Angus Wilson’s Novels.

Viking spacecraft biological experiments

The planned ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, to be launched on 2016, will implement this approach and will focus on detection, characterization of spatial and temporal variation, and localization of sources for a broad suite of atmospheric trace gases on Mars and help determine if their formation is of biological or geological origin.

Where Is Joe Merchant?

This characterization of Desdemona also appears in several of Buffett's songs, including "Fruitcakes" and "Desdemona's Building a Rocket Ship" from his album Banana Wind.


Science fiction and fantasy writer Roland J. Green wrote in a review of Yvgenie in the Chicago Sun-Times that he was impressed with Cherryh's "characterization and knowledge of folklore", and described the whole Russian series as her "most significant work of fantasy".

see also