Since the holiday season of 2005, Comedy Central has periodically aired Denis Leary's Merry F#%$in' Christmas, an hour-long (with commercials) Christmas special featuring Leary and several celebrity guests, including Charlie Murphy, Carmen Electra, William Shatner, and the Barenaked Ladies.
Charlie Chaplin | Charlie's Angels | Charlie Parker | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Charlie Crist | Eddie Murphy | Audie Murphy | Charlie Rose | Charlie Sheen | Charlie Brown | George Murphy | Charlie Chan | Mark Murphy (singer) | Mark Murphy | Charlie Watts | Good Luck Charlie | Charlie Weis | Charlie's Angels (film) | Charlie Rich | Charlie Mariano | Charlie Daniels | Murphy | Turk Murphy | Timothy F. Murphy | Charlie | Brittany Murphy | Murphy's Law | Charlie Kemp | Paul Murphy | Charlie Ward |
The film also featured Charlie Murphy, Daniel Franceze, Derek Waters, John Bernthal, and Nikki Griffin.