Charlie Chaplin | Charlie's Angels | Charlie Parker | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Charlie Crist | Charlie Rose | Charlie Sheen | Romy Schneider | Charlie Brown | Rob Schneider | Charlie Chan | Charlie Watts | Schneider Electric | Good Luck Charlie | Charlie Weis | Schneider | Charlie's Angels (film) | Charlie Rich | Charlie Mariano | Charlie Daniels | Charlie | Charlie Kemp | Charlie Ward | Charlie Sexton | Charlie George | Charlie Black | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) | Charlie Norwood | Charlie Higson | Charlie Haas |
Later, he meets Olivia's cousin and Charlie (Gabriele Metzger) and Lars' nephew Oliver Sabel (Jo Weil), who moves to the apartment Christian and Coco share with Lars, even if he's not totally comfortable with Oliver's sexuality.