Murray's one time aide-de-camp, James Chevalier de Johnstone later wrote, "this march across country in a dark night which did not allow us to follow any track, and accompanied with confusion and disorder".
James, the Chevalier de Johnstone, acted as Murray's Aide de Camp during the campaign and, for a brief spell, the Young Pretender's.
Maurice Chevalier | Johnstone Strait | Johnstone | Keith Johnstone | George Johnstone Stoney | Point Chevalier | Nicholas Chevalier | Derek Johnstone | William Johnstone Hope | William Johnstone | Parker Johnstone | Michel Chevalier | Haakon Chevalier | Davey Johnstone | Chevalier Field | William Johnstone Ritchie | William Johnstone (actor) | St. Johnstone F.C. | Robert Johnstone (editor) | Robert Johnstone | Pierre de Troyes, Chevalier de Troyes | Jimmy Johnstone | Jay Johnstone | Ian Johnstone | Hotel Chevalier | Cobden-Chevalier Treaty | Clan Johnstone | Chevalier de Saint-George | Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur | Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur |