
unusual facts about Chief Economist

Ian Goldin

As Director of Development Policy, Goldin played a central role in the research and strategy agenda of the Bank, working closely with the Chief Economist, Lord Nicholas Stern, under the leadership of James Wolfensohn.

World Bank Chief Economist

The World Bank Chief Economist (full title: Senior Vice President, Development Economics, and Chief Economist) provides intellectual leadership and direction to the Bank’s overall development strategy and economic research agenda, at global, regional and country levels.

see also

Aldo Ferrer

His turn as chief economist for Argentina's largest province (home to over a third of the population) gave Ferrer national stature, though it also left him out of the halls of power after the UCRI's standard-bearer, President Arturo Frondizi, was forced to resign by conservative opponents in 1962.

Anders Levermann

Since 2012 he has been leading the research domain on sustainable solutions of the climate problem at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, working together with PIK's chief-economist Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer.


Tim Leunig, London School of Economics economist was appointed as CentreForum's Chief Economist in January 2011 before leaving in October 2012 to work as a Policy Adviser in the Department for Education.

David Wyss

As New York-based Standard & Poor's chief economist, Wyss was responsible for S & P's economic forecasts and publications.

Deirdre Bolton

In recent months, Bolton has interviewed Wall Street players, government official, key decision makers and sports personalities such as PIMCO strategic adviser Richard Clarida, Carlyle Group Co-Founder David Rubenstein, Sam Zell, Roger Altman, Wilbur Ross, Nokia CFO Rick Simonson, President Barack Obama’s chief economist Christina Romer, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Martina Navratilova, Billie Jean King and Terrell Owens.

Douglas Peters

After serving as chief economist and senior vice-president of the Toronto-Dominion Bank, Peters entered politics in the 1993 election.

James W. Owens

Owens was named chief economist of Caterpillar Overseas S.A. in Geneva, Switzerland in 1975.

Kim Hawtrey

Previously he was with Macquarie University (1992–2007), He has also been Chief Economist at Colonial State Bank (1987–91), and Economist with the Reserve Bank of Australia (1980–86).

Mehmet Şimşek

Şimşek previously worked as the chief economist and strategist for emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa region at Merrill Lynch in London for 7 years.


The first lecture under this series was given by the Chief Economist of the ING Banking and Insurance Group, Mr. Mark Cliffe.

Office of Telecommunications Policy

OTP’s chief economist, Bruce M. Owen, favored breaking up AT&T and persuaded Whitehead that the best way to split the company was the way in which it was finally done, by separating long distance from local service – known as horizontal divestiture.

Omkar Goswami

He has held the position of Chief Economist with the Indian business association Confederation of Indian Industry from August 1998 up to March 2004,.

Peter Praet

Peter Praet (born 20 January 1949 in Herchen near Eitorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) is chief economist of the European Central Bank.