The Chief Minister of Northern Territory History Book Award began in 2004.
Prime Minister | Northern Ireland | Prime Minister of the United Kingdom | Chief Justice | Prime Minister of Canada | Northern Territory | Chief Minister | Prime Minister of Australia | Chief Justice of the United States | Chief Executive Officer | prime minister | chief executive officer | Australian Capital Territory | Indian Territory | Northern Pacific Railway | Chief executive officer | Kimberley, Northern Cape | minister | Prime Minister of India | Minister | Prime Minister of Japan | Prime Minister of Israel | Northern Illinois University | Northern Cape | Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales | Northern England | Army of Northern Virginia | Prime Minister of Singapore | Minister (government) | Foreign Minister |
27 March: TND-34 Darwin, a Seven Network affiliate, is officially inaugurated by Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Shane Stone.
Marshall Perron, former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory and the first head of state anywhere in the world to have voluntary euthanasia legalised, and others, serve as special advisors.