
unusual facts about Chris Perkins

Ed Stark

Ed Stark was on the SCRAMJET team, led by Richard Baker, and including Matthew Sernett, Michele Carter, Stacy Longstreet, and Chris Perkins; this team updated the setting and cosmology of D&D as the fourth edition was being developed.

Jerry Holkins

Holkins and Krahulik had the opportunity to play the new release of Dungeons & Dragons Fourth Edition in Seattle for a day with Chris Perkins from Wizards of the Coast, Scott Kurtz of PvP, and Wil Wheaton.

Matthew Sernett

Matt Sernett was on the SCRAMJET team, led by Richard Baker, and including Ed Stark, Michele Carter, Stacy Longstreet, and Chris Perkins; this team updated the setting and cosmology of D&D as the fourth edition was being developed.

Michele Carter

Michele Carter was on the SCRAMJET team, led by Richard Baker, and including Matthew Sernett, Ed Stark, Stacy Longstreet, and Chris Perkins; this team updated the setting and cosmology of D&D as the fourth edition was being developed.

Stacy Longstreet

Stacy Longstreet was on the SCRAMJET team, led by Richard Baker, and including Matthew Sernett, Ed Stark, Michele Carter, and Chris Perkins; this team updated the setting and cosmology of D&D as the fourth edition was being developed.

see also

Christopher Perkins

Carl C. Perkins (born 1954), commonly known as Chris Perkins, former U.S. Congressman