
unusual facts about Christian Social Party

Theophil Wurm

He was a member of the Christian Social Party before World War I, and thereafter of the Citizens’ Party.

Committee of Secretaries-General

Both De Winter and Leemans served as a senators for the centre-right Christian Social Party (PSC-CVP) and Leemans ended his career as President of the European Parliament.

German Conservative Party

Afterwards the party, which furthermore lost votes as Germans moved from rural areas to new industrial centers in the west (Ostflucht), forged an electoral alliance with the Christian Social Party under Adolf Stoecker.

Leopold Kunschak Prize

The prize is named after the Austrian politician Leopold Kunschak (1871–1953) of the Christian Social Party of Austria.

see also

Melanie Metternich-Zichy

For example, in 1888, her palace was the site of a meeting of politicians who would eventually found the Christian Social Party; that meeting was attended by, among others, Karl Lueger and Karl Freiherr von Vogelsang.