
41 unusual facts about Christopher Columbus

1492 Pictures

The name is a play on Columbus's more famous namesake, Christopher Columbus, and his 1492 landing in the Americas.

Admiral of Portugal

Back in 1492, Christopher Columbus had been granted the ornate title of 'Admiral of the Ocean Sea' by the Catholic monarchs of Spain.

Almere Poort

# Columbuskwartier - this residential district has streets named after famous explorers such as Christopher Columbus himself

Angel D'Meza

He is buried in the Christopher Columbus Cemetery inside the American Veteran's Pantheon in Havana.

Baptista Mantuanus

Besides his sermon preached before Innocent VIII, Mantuan’s most notable works in prose include De patientia, a rambling discourse on physical and spiritual illness that includes an early allusion to Columbus’ discovery of America, and De vita beata, a dialogue on the religious life that he wrote soon after entering the Carmelite order.

Bernd Fasching

Terra Nova, the title of this walk-in formation of sculptures, depicts the landing place of Christopher Columbus on the island as an incentive to reflect on the checkered, often terrible History of the American Continents.

Carol Delaney

Recent research has focused on the religious beliefs of Christopher Columbus.

Christophe Colomb

The libretto, by the poet Paul Claudel, is based on his own play Le livre de Christophe Colomb about the life of Christopher Columbus.

Columbus, Kansas

It was named Columbus by A.L. Peters, one of the European-American founders, for his hometown of Columbus, Ohio; the name thus indirectly honors Christopher Columbus, the explorer.

Columbus, North Dakota

Both this town and nearby Larson were named for an early postmaster who served the area (Columbus Larson), making it possibly the only town so named that was not named for Christopher Columbus.

Columbus, Texas

Some speculate that it was named in honor of residents from Columbus, Ohio, while others believe the town was named after Christopher Columbus.

Culebrinas River

Christopher Columbus is said to have anchored and come ashore near the mouth of the Culebrinas River in 1493.

Dr. Livingstone, I presume

In a similar manner, the lyrics in later verses describe the accomplishments of Captain Robert Falcon Scott, and Christopher Columbus.

Dunmore Pineapple

Discovered by Christopher Columbus on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe in 1493, pineapples became a rare delicacy in Europe, and were symbolic of power, wealth, and hospitality.

Ernle Bradford

Christopher Columbus, ISBN 0-7181-0771-3 (0-7181-0771-3) Hardcover, Penguin Books, Limited.


It has been suggested that Brendan arrived in the Americas prior to Christopher Columbus but this has not been proven.

Flip Wilson

In this bit, Wilson retells the story of Christopher Columbus from an anachronistic urbanized viewpoint, in which Columbus convinces the Spanish monarchs to fund his voyage by noting that discovering America means that he can also discover Ray Charles.

Folklore of Italy

The expression refers to a popular story of how Christopher Columbus, having been told that discovering the Americas was no great accomplishment, challenged his critics to make an egg stand on its tip.

Georges Colomb

Under the pseudonym Christophe (playing on "Christophe Colomb", the French name for Columbus), Colomb created comics that were popular among the French intelligentsia, yet were published in Le Petit Français illustré, a children's paper.

Glenn T. Morris

Morris has said that the purpose of the protests is to expose the racism inherent to the Discovery Doctrine and the celebration of Christopher Columbus as a state and national hero.

Goffs School

Goffs School consists of six houses, each named after an influential person from history: Brontë, Churchill, Columbus, Curie, Mandela and Monet.

Harriet Chalmers Adams

In a later trip she retraced the trail of Christopher Columbus's early discoveries in the Americas, and crossed Haiti on horseback.

Hispanic Heritage Site

On Saint Croix, is the only site under United States jurisdiction to have been visited by Christopher Columbus.

Infante Antonio, Duke of Galliera

In 1892, he participated in his wife's trip to Cuba and the United States for the celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

Juan Pérez de Gijón

He is one of the composers of secular songs who contributed to the huge Cancionero Musical de Palacio, the largest and most diverse manuscript collection of music from Spain at the time of Columbus.

Kenny Hughes

Kenneth Hughes has worked with a wide range of recognized names such as Madonna, Meryl Streep, Michael Bay, Christopher Columbus, Tracey Ullman, Julie Taymor, Jim Carrey, the Bee Gees, Robert Zemeckis, Matthew Ralston, Coen Brothers, the ISO dance company, the Diavalo Dance Theater, the Rogue Go-Go Dance Company, Zubin Mehta, Mika Kaurismäki, Amy Brenneman, Val Kilmer and others.

Peter Corey

His other books include The A-Z of Absolutely Everything, The Life and Times of Cristóbal Colón; Columbus Exposed (a semi-accurate biography of Christopher Columbus, 1992, ISBN 0-590-55108-6), Palace Hill the Book (A book version of the Palace Hill TV series) and The Number 73 annual (An annual of a TV series, 1985).

Province of Huelva

The province contains Palos de la Frontera, and Moguer, where Christopher Columbus sailed out of on his first voyage in 1492, and shares the Parque Nacional de Doñana.

Province of Zamora

Its wines were the first to be taken to America by Christopher Columbus.

Robert F. Marx

Marx was made a Knight-commander in the Order of Isabella the Catholic by the Spanish government for his re-enactment in the Niña II of Christopher Columbus' first voyage of exploration.

Saga of Erik the Red

By geographical details, this place is thought to be present-day Newfoundland, and is likely the first European discovery of the American mainland, some five centuries before Christopher Columbus's journey.

Sail On! Sail On!

Psychology also exists, which means that Christopher Columbus's vessels do not turn back despite growing unease and ominous warning signs.


In 1493, Christopher Columbus sailing for the Spanish crown, was blown off course by gale force winds and fearing for the survival of his ship, spotted the rock of Sintra.


In the strip for August 17, 1933, Popeye christens Swee'Pea as 'Scooner Seawell Georgia Washenting Christiffer Columbia Daniel Boom'.

Tacoma Opera

Wolf then served as the company's general director until the late 1990s, during which time Tacoma Opera produced several premieres, including the West Coast premiere of Offenbach's Christopher Columbus and the world premiere of Seattle composer Carol Sams' The Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Tatzu Nishi

Nishi has built his fabricated hotels and apartments around historical monuments in Europe, Australia, Singapore and most recently in Columbus Circle in Manhattan, New York City: a penthouse apartment surrounding Gaetano Russo's statue of Christopher Columbus.

The Broken Code

Barney claims the Bro Code descended from Broses (with Bro Code Article I imprinted on a stone tablet shaped after the Ten Commandments) and was brought to America by Christopher Brolumbus.

The Three Stooges Scrapbook

The pilot featured the slapstick trio getting evicted from a rooming house for cooking in their apartment, looking for a new place to live, finding refuge in the home of a mad inventor (played by Emil Sitka), and presenting an animated short called The Spain Mutiny that imagines the funnymen as part of Christopher Columbus’ crew.

Timeline of Romani history

1498: Romani settlement in the Americas begins, when four Romanies accompany Christopher Columbus on his third voyage.

Tunnel Through the Deeps

Thus it was that Spain was unable to become unified, owing to the survival of an Islamic presence in its territory, and therefore could not finance the expedition of Christopher Columbus in 1492.

Whitehall Apartments

It features wrought iron balconies, blue decorative tile featuring scenes of Christopher Columbus, and red tile roof caps.

Arawak peoples

Scholars believe that the first tribe encountered by Christopher Columbus were Lucayan-Arawak Indians, who lived on the island he called Santa María de la Concepción (known as Mamana by the Lucayan and now called Rum Cay, in the Bahamas).

Dead reckoning

Before the 18th-century development of the marine chronometer by John Harrison and the lunar distance method, dead reckoning was the primary method of determining longitude available to mariners such as Christopher Columbus and John Cabot on their trans-Atlantic voyages.

Edoardo Alfieri

Besides expressionist works such as the Dagna grave at the cemetery of Staglieno, he also did traditional sculptures like the statue of Christopher Columbus that was given as gift to the city of Columbus, Ohio in the United States in 1955.

Flag of Colombia

After Miranda later designed his flag based on this conversation, he happily recalled seeing a fresco by Lazzaro Tavarone in the Palazzo Belimbau in Genoa that depicted Christopher Columbus unfurling a similar-coloured flag in Veragua during his fourth voyage.

Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis

The ambassador notes that on the damaged ship was ‘another Friar Buil’ - this being an allusion to Bernardo Buil, the Minim missionary who had accompanied Christopher Columbus's 1493 expedition.

Glockenspiel House

The reliefs of famous seafarers and airmen include Christopher Columbus, Count Zeppelin and Charles Lindbergh.

Hysterical History

Jack Mercer as Christopher Columbus / Native-American Reporter / Native-American Chief / Benjamin Franklin / James W. Marshall / Alexander Graham Bell

Indigenous languages of the Americas

These encounters occurred between the beginning of the 11th century (with the Nordic settlement of Greenland and failed efforts at Labrador and Newfoundland) and the end of the 15th century (the voyages of Christopher Columbus).

John Stewart Collis

His first book, on George Bernard Shaw, was published in 1925, followed by biographies of Havelock Ellis, Strindberg, Tolstoy, the Carlyles and Christopher Columbus.

Katya Berger

Her stepbrother is film child actor Kasimir Berger (born in London on October 3, 1974), who starred with his father in the TV mini-series Christopher Columbus (1985) as Diego as a child, in Tuareg - Il guerriero del deserto (1984) (uncredited) as Gacel's Son and with his mother and sister in Rosso sangue (1981) as Willy Bennett, and she is half-sister of actress Debra Berger.

Latin American literature

From the very moment when Europeans encountered the New World, early explorers and conquistadores produced written accounts and crónicas of their experience, such as Columbus's letters or Bernal Díaz del Castillo's description of the conquest of Mexico.

Maritime history of Colonial America

Christopher Columbus was the first European to set foot on what would one day become U.S. territory when he came to Puerto Rico in 1493.

Mauro Conconi

He painted canvases depicting San Vincenzo de Paoli, Parisina, Cristoforo Colombo (Columbus), Byron, a depiction of The Prisoner of Chillon from Byron's poem, Galileo Galilei, Camoens, The Surprised Bather, and the Ultimate Riches.

Sebastián de Belalcázar

According to various sources, he may have left for the New World with Christopher Columbus as early as 1498, but Juan de Castellanos wrote that he killed a mule in 1507, and fled to Spain for the West Indies due to fear of punishment, and as a chance to escape the poverty in which he lived.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park

The Consulate General of Spain donated the statue to the City of Montreal on behalf of the Institute of Hispanic Culture in Madrid to mark the 467th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

The Hero's Farewell

Lady Prudence and Gerald Maitland then organise the tableau, with tableaux of "Anthony and Cleopatra", "Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton" and "Columbus and Queen Isabella".

The Long Voyage

Some of the books he has read concern Christopher Columbus, James Bruce who searched for the source of the Nile, John Franklin who made an "unhappy overland Journey" and was lost searching for the northwest passage in the Canadian Arctic, "Men-selling despots" and the Atlantic slave trade, and Mungo Park, a Scottish explorer (1771–1806) who wrote Travels in the Interior of Africa and other adventure stories.