
3 unusual facts about Christopher Doyle

Alexander Luria

Chris Doyle's auteur film Away with Words is largely inspired by Luria's The Mind of a Mnemonist.

Maciej Pisarek

The film however was directed by a cinematographer, Christopher Doyle.

Mavis Hee

In 1998, Hee was handpicked by the cinematographer Christopher Doyle to star in his directorial debut film Away With Words.

Mark Lee Ping Bin

He also did the cinematography for Vertical Ray of the Sun and replaced Christopher Doyle as the cinematographer for In the Mood for Love, and he came to international prominence when they were released in 2000, both films receiving considerable acclaim for their visual style.

Ocean Heaven

It saw the inclusion of award winning cinematographer Christopher Doyle (Hero, 2046, In the Mood for Love), composer Joe Hisaishi (Spirited Away, Departures, Hana-bi) and production designer Yee Chung-Man (Anna Magdalena, Curse of the Golden Flower).

see also