Christopher Riley (born 1967), British science writer and film maker
Christopher Columbus | Christopher Walken | Christopher Lee | Terry Riley | Christopher Wren | Christopher Plummer | Christopher Reeve | Christopher Lloyd | Christopher Lambert | Christopher Kasparek | Christopher Hogwood | Christopher Marlowe | Christopher Hitchens | James Whitcomb Riley | Christopher Guest | Christopher | Christopher Tolkien | Christopher Isherwood | John Christopher | Christopher Fry | Christopher Alexander | Bridget Riley | Bob Riley | Christopher Kane | Christopher Hatton | Christopher Banks | Dennis Christopher | Christopher Wordsworth | Christopher Larkin | Christopher Cockerell |
By matching the orbit of the International Space Station to that of Vostok 1 as closely as possible, in terms of ground path and time of day, documentary filmmaker Christopher Riley and European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Nespoli were able to film the view that Yuri Gagarin saw on his pioneering orbital space flight.