
3 unusual facts about Chuck Bednarik

1960 NFL Championship Game

At the Philadelphia 22 with seconds to play, Starr threw a short pass to Jim Taylor; Chuck Bednarik, the last Eagle between Taylor and the end zone, tackled him at the Eagles' 10-yard line and remained atop Taylor as the final seconds ticked off the clock, ensuring that Taylor could not get up off the ground and that the Packers could not run another play.

Bob Dove

The other nine players were Ron Beagle, Navy; Chuck Bednarik, Pennsylvania: Carl Diehl, Dartmouth; Bill Fisher, Notre Dame; Leroy Keyes, Purdue; Tommy Nobis, Texas; Greg Pruitt, Oklahoma; Joe Romig, Colorado; and Charles "Bubba" Smith, Michigan State.

Willie Galimore

Galimore's peers (including Chuck Bednarik and Doug Atkins) referred to Galimore as one of the best runners they ever faced.

see also