Wuthering Heights | Citrus | Crown Heights, Brooklyn | Washington Heights | Crown Heights | Arlington Heights | Washington Heights, Manhattan | Golan Heights | Maryland Heights, Missouri | Brooklyn Heights | Arlington Heights, Illinois | Lincoln Heights | Salisbury Heights, South Australia | Salisbury Heights | Jackson Heights, Queens | Jackson Heights | Iron Heights Penitentiary | Brooklyn Heights Railroad | Washington Heights, New York | Rowland Heights, California | Rowland Heights | Prospect Heights | Morningside Heights | Mendota Heights, Minnesota | Columbia Heights | citrus | University Heights, Bronx | University Heights | Sterling Heights | Prospect Heights, Brooklyn |
Mesa Verde High School is an American public high school in Citrus Heights, California in the San Juan Unified School District.
Richard graduated from San Juan High School in Citrus Heights, then attended Sacramento State University, Los Angeles City College and UCLA while searching for work as a musician.
After Elliott retired, he began teaching at Arlington Heights Elementary (San Juan Unified School District) located in Citrus Heights, California in 2003.