
unusual facts about Clarence King

The Education of Henry Adams

The Education repeatedly mentions two long-standing friends of Adams, the scientific explorer of the Far West, Clarence King, and the American diplomat, John Milton Hay.

Clarence Cook

In 1863, with Clarence King and John William Hill he helped to found the Society for the Advancement of Truth in Art, an American group, similar to the Pre-Raphaelites, who published a journal called The New Path.

Edgar Beecher Bronson

Formerly a reporter for the New York Tribune, Bronson headed west in 1877 to learn the cattle business under the directive of Clarence King — first director of the United States Geological Survey and owner of large mining and cattle operations in the American West.

Josiah Whitney

To carry out the California Geological Survey, he organized an eminent, multi-disciplinary team, including William H. Brewer, James Graham Cooper, William More Gabb, Charles F. Hoffmann, and Clarence King.

see also